我哋食肉主要吸收蛋白質脂肪酸,Omega3係最基本營養要素。有機牛肉都係天然草料養大,所以Omega-3脂肪酸含量比用穀養牛肉高,就係最重要嘅原因。所以我店長阿J ,介紹返以下呢隻澳洲品牌有機牛肉:

TOMC(The Organic Meat Company)有機及天然肉類公司是澳洲最大的有機牛肉和羊肉供應商,專門供應國內及出口市場。這些有機牛肉來自經認證的澳洲家庭農場,並以自然的方式飼養和生產。TOMC的牛肉100%草飼,無激素促生長劑、抗生素及其他合成化學物質,所有產品均獲得澳洲認證有機(ACO)和美國農業部有機(USDA)標誌,確保產品的完整性。這些牛肉不僅安全,還具備優良的品質,口感鮮嫩多汁,讓人享受無與倫比的美味。有機牛肉的健康益處主要包括以下幾點:

Organic Beef


澳洲有機牛脷 (切片)(300g)(急凍)
Organic Beef Tongue (Sliced)(300g)(Frozen)
Australia300 g
1 件85.7
Organic Ribeye Steak(250g)(Frozen)
Australia250 g
1 件105.7
Organic Sirloin(250g)(Frozen)
Australia250 g
1 件84.3

The Organic Meat |澳洲有機牛


1. 更高的Omega-3脂肪酸含量

2. 無抗生素和生長激素

3. 更好的膽固醇

4. 更好的營養素吸收

5. 改善肌肉健康


We primarily consume meat to absorb proteins and fatty acids, with Omega-3 being a fundamental nutrient. Organic beef is raised on natural pasture, which results in a higher Omega-3 fatty acid content compared to grain-fed beef, making it a crucial factor. Therefore, we recommends the following Australian brand of organic beef:

TOMC(The Organic Meat Company) is one of the Australia's largest supplier of organic beef and lamb, specializing in both domestic and export markets. This organic beef comes from certified Australian family farms and is raised and produced in a natural way. Arcadian's beef is 100% grass-fed, free from hormone growth promotants, antibiotics, and other synthetic chemicals. All products carry the Australian Certified Organic (ACO) and USDA NOP logos, ensuring product integrity. This beef is not only safe but also of excellent quality, with a tender and juicy texture that provides an unparalleled taste experience.

The health benefits of organic beef include:
Higher Omega-3 Fatty Acid Content: Organic beef typically comes from grass-fed cattle, whose diets are rich in natural forage. The Omega-3 fatty acid content in organic beef is higher than that in conventional beef. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for cardiovascular health and can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and inflammatory diseases.

No Antibiotics and Hormones: The production of organic beef does not involve the use of antibiotics or growth hormones, meaning consumers are not exposed to residues of these chemicals. This is vital for reducing the risk of antibiotic-resistant strains.

Better Nutrient Absorption: Beef is a good source of iron, particularly heme iron, which has a high absorption rate and helps prevent anemia. Additionally, the zinc in beef supports a healthy immune system.

Improved Muscle Health: Beef contains all the essential amino acids required by the human body, making it a high-quality protein source. This is important for maintaining and enhancing muscle mass, especially for those engaged in strength training.

So, our organic beef is not only delicious but also offers various health benefits. Choosing organic beef allows you to enjoy great flavors while obtaining better nutrition and health assurance.


"The Organic Meat Company" (Brand Story)

Since 2004 The Organic Meat Company has been supplying high quality certified organic, free range and delicious beef to butchers, retailers, restaurants, cafes and wholesalers in Australia and across the world!

Organic meat is raised feeding on natural grasses, 100% free range and never confined to a feedlot. It has no synthetic chemicals, antibiotics or added hormones.

The Certified organic farms and processors in Australia are subject to stringent certification requirements. All their meat is proudly certified organic by Australian Certified Organic (ACO) to comply with the Australian Certified Organic Standard (ACOS) and the Australian National Standard. This independent certification is audited every year to ensure that all their cattle are free range and have verified lifetime traceability. To ensure they meet high export standards, they're proud to be certified organic to the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) as well!

The Organic Meat Company meat is naturally produced. Their meat is not genetically modified and is officially Non GMO verified.

(from their Official Website, Sept-2024)